Unexus has achieved the renewal of both ISO 9001 and ISO 27001!

We have completed our annual audits. We are pleased to report that both ISO certifications have been renewed this year! We are incredibly happy about this, as we place great value on these seals of our data protection and quality! ISO certifications We have two ISO certifications, both of which have been renewed. ISO 9001…

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About first customers, developments, and future plans

This year, on October 1, 2023, we celebrate our 12.5-year anniversary! It’s a special moment, especially because we are proud and grateful for all the customers who have joined us on our journey of growth. So, what do you do when you’ve been around for 12.5 years? Well, you certainly give an interview in a…

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Unexus Connect achieves Microsoft Teams Certification

We are thrilled to announce that our omnichannel platform, Unexus Connect, has earned full Microsoft 365 certification! This certification allows us to seamlessly integrate the capabilities and functionalities of the Unexus Connect Contact Center Platform with Microsoft Teams. Immediate Benefits for CustomersDirk Stuip, CEO of Unexus, considers this certification a significant milestone in Unexus Connect’s…

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Dirk Stuip appointed as CEO at Unexus

Over the past years, we have been fortunate to experience strong growth. We are extremely grateful to our customers, suppliers, and partners for this! Due to the organization’s growth, effective management has become crucial. Therefore, today marks the start of our new Chief Executive Officer: Dirk Stuip! About Dirk Dirk brings extensive experience in the…

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All together on the Green Cloud

We value sustainability and social responsibility. Our goal is to make a positive impact and contribute to a better world, not only through our services but also in other areas. In this blog, we will share more about our contributions. What is CSR? CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility, which is becoming increasingly important for…

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The impact of hybrid work on effective customer contact

Alternating between working from home and the office. Does this work for client contact departments? Yes, of course it does. Provided it is well-organized. This blog expands on the question of the impact of hybrid work on client contact centers (CCC). As a manager, how do you go about this? Why would you want to…

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Unexus Connect as unique solution for emergency services in the UK

As a leading contact center solution, Unexus provides solutions for customers in the Netherlands and beyond, including the United Kingdom. Recently, we attended BAPCO, an annual event that brings together IT managers and decision-makers from police, fire and ambulance services in Coventry. This year’s event focused on AI and the integration of different applications used…

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The future of your customer contact availability

The customer contact center (CCC) has evolved significantly in recent years. In the past, customers were primarily assisted over the phone, but nowadays there are numerous ways to contact a customer contact center. This includes channels such as email, chat, social media and even video chat. It’s clear that the availability of the CCC will…

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Staying close to renters with multiple channels and Teams Calling

We are very pleased that we were recently able to make a contribution to customer contact excellence for the Ymere housing association! Ymere works entirely with Microsoft 365, now also at the Customer Contact Center (CCC). They chose our customer contact platform “Unexus Connect for Teams” to ensure good omnichannel customer service. Focus on the…

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Dorset Police (UK) visits Unexus office

We were honored this week with a visit from the English Police Dorset Police. They have decided to fully integrate their contact center functionalities with Unexus. Especially the important 999 alarm contact center. Meet-up That is why three delegates visited the Unexus office in Baarn. They were accompanied by our English partner Getronics UK. The…

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More and more contact centers choose Unexus Connect for Teams

In recent years, most organizations have rapidly adopted hybrid working. In addition, Microsoft Teams is often chosen as the basis for internal location-independent communication. Now that organizations have become accustomed to hybrid working and Microsoft Teams is established, we see this trend continuing at more and more customer contact centers. Increased popularity of Microsoft Teams…

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Unexus ISO 9001 certified!

We greatly value quality and continuous improvement. This is why we wanted to comply with the NEN-EN-ISO-9001 (also called ISO 9001). This is the international standard for quality management systems. With this certificate we demonstrate that we comply with a good quality management system. What is NEN-EN-ISO-9001? NEN-EN-ISO-9001 (also known as ISO 9001) is the…

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Municipality of Venlo Customer Contact Center uses Unexus Connect omnichannel environment

The Municipality of Venlo had been considering an omnichannel environment for some time. Through an extensive market consultation, the municipality’s project group decided on Unexus. Rob aan de Brugh, Project Manager Information Management, tells us more in this interview. Why did you decide to sit down at the table with Unexus? “We wanted a new…

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Why switching to omnichannel customer contact brings benefits

You may be familiar with the situation: You work in the IT department or the Customer Care Center and notice that the customer interactions on various communication channels take place spread out across the team. Some employees focus mainly on WhatsApp, while others manage the Facebook account. This can lead to annoyance, inadequate transparency and lack…

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Practical usage of Business Intelligence software

Business Intelligence software (BI software) is a technical tool that offers insight in your data. You can learn about developments in the data, act upon those developments and foresee the needs of your customers. It offers endless possibilities for implementation. Lefier applied BI software to their processes. They have used BI software for quite a…

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Woonwijze has gone live!

Woonwijze has updated her phone networks with a modern VoIP communicationplatform of Unexus! About Woonwijze Woonwijze organises and manages housing and the direct living environment of people. They are concerned with their tenants and always want to start the dialogue about their values and the situation. They are active and want to be the difference.…

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9 tips to optimize your customer service

Customer service is an integration that everyone has to deal with from time to time. Whether you are a consumer or a professional, everyone has examples of a good or bad customer service experience. We work non-stop to update and optimise our own customer service as well as our clients. Clients who want to combine…

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