
Omnichannel Contact Center

Equip your contact center for telephony, email, SMS, web chat, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Business telephony

Upgrade your telephone switchboard to the cloud. Expand with mobile telephony, fixed-mobile telephony and fixed telephony.

360ΒΊ caller information

Screen pop-up with extensive details about the caller, extendable with each application integration.

Microsoft Teams integration

Create your contact center with Unexus. Manage your accessibility, expand with Teams Calling and integrate Teams into your applications.


Microsoft Teams calling

Set up your external telephony with Microsoft Teams Direct Routing and combine the benefits of Unexus Connect and MS Teams.

Presence management

Oversee the availability of all employees at a glance. Employees can indicate when they can process questions and who best to be on-call for customers.

Microsoft 365 integration

Option to fully operate using Microsoft 365.

Hosted in the Unexus Cloud

Choose to have us handle your hosting in our Unexus Cloud. We’re eager to add you to our list of happy customers.

AI support and integration

Use the Unexus Virtual Assistent, offering customer journey based AI-support.

Management modules

Create team schedules by using reports of daily operations. Separate application for managers and IT administrators.

Organize calls

Determine how you want to forward and answer calls and forward internal messages.

Business Intelligence

To measure is to know, so data is the new gold?! Our BI template allows you to answer the questions you have about your own availability.

Queue management

Choose dynamic queue information, expected wait times, background music and queue callback.

Telephone assist

Set up your telephone assistance by using speech recognition. Inform your customers about the wait time and give them the option of contacting you in another manner or at another time.

Process improvement

Train and coach employees or link internal safety processes to the UNEXUS platform.


Application integrations

Integrate ERP, CRM and database applications with our platform for the best 360-degree overview of your customers and processes.

Smartphone App

A separate smartphone app for the back office and field sales representatives. Work from anywhere. For iOS, Android and Windows.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer reviews on your service create growth potential. Organize intelligent feedback channels in order to continuously gauge what can be improved.

Quality Monitoring

Assess the quality of calls based on specific quality characteristics (duration, satisfaction) and quantitative characteristics (response to the customer satisfaction survey).

Work Force Management

This addition to our platform allows you to schedule your staff. Obtain insight into your staff’s availability and the demand at the contact center.


A direct customer communication app (WocoAPP) allows you to streamline your communication and facilitate retrieval of details such as photos and PDF files.

Emergency module

Connect your in-house emergency and first-aid service protocol with Unexus in order to efficiently and securely send in-house emergency and first-aid service notifications to on-duty staff.

Smart routing

Continue to work on insight and improvement with routing of Microsoft Teams telephony via the Unexus platform.


Run standardized reports on different forms of data within the Unexus platform. This way you continue to measure and improve.

Customer feedback

By specifically asking for feedback from your customer, you can make targeted adjustments to your services.

Call recording

Record conversations for coaching purposes and start a conversation with your employees about the service.