
Contact center

All together on the Green Cloud

We value sustainability and social responsibility. Our goal is to make a positive impact and contribute to a ...
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The impact of hybrid work on effective customer contact

Alternating between working from home and the office. Does this work for client contact departments? Yes, of course ...
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Unexus Connect as unique solution for emergency services in the UK

As a leading contact center solution, Unexus provides solutions for customers in the Netherlands and beyond, including the ...
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The future of your customer contact availability

The customer contact center (CCC) has evolved significantly in recent years. In the past, customers were primarily assisted ...
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Woonplus Schiedam about their first experiences with Unexus Connect

We regularly launch the Unexus Connect communication platform for new customers. Such was also the case last September ...
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The changing role of customer service

What is the biggest challenge for customer contact centers nowadays? That's what the event β€˜Customer Service Congress’ (KCC-Congres) ...
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Woonforte: Tempt the customer to self-service with Unexus

In an interesting article in the latest edition of the CorporatieGids, Woonforte explains how they have dealt creatively ...
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Woonstad Rotterdam

Woonstad Rotterdam: Good customer communication requires interaction from a compassionate human perspective

It is always very interesting to read the vison on customer contact of one of the largest housing ...
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