Can a customer consultant work alternately from home and at the office while still always remaining available? Housing cooperative De Sleutels believed that this should be feasible, so it started working on its hybrid availability. They chose for a Unexus solution.

For the CCC, Unexus was an immediate relief. You can find all
the information you need for effectively and quickly taking care
of a call on one screen. Integration of the Outlook agenda and
the current status of colleagues save a lot of time. This allows
you to closely monitor your own results and those of the group!

Jouida el Bouazati, Customer Consultant at De Sleutels

Interested in a demonstration of the Unexus Communication Platform?


  • Omnichannel contact center

  • Supervisor reporting and management

  • Unexus Teams software for the backoffice

  • Interview-module

  • Web wallboard


  • Microsoft Teams

  • Outlook Calender

  • Safety-module